Alphabet Healthy: DIET & FITNESS


Showing posts with label DIET & FITNESS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIET & FITNESS. Show all posts

Can't Sleep? 5 Simple Ways to Help You Beat Insomnia

Are you like thousands of people who can't sleep? Or do you seem to have trouble get a full night of restful sleep and you keep waking up in the middle of the night? Here are some simple tips and tricks to help you beat insomnia and get the sleep you have been missing.

Insomnia Buster # 1: Creating the Right Atmosphere
Being comfortable and free of distractions is one of the first steps in securing a good night's sleep. Keeping your sleeping area cool, dark, and as free from noise as possible will create an environment conducive to sleep. Do not fall asleep with the television or radio on either as it will only distract you and will likely wake you during the night.

Insomnia Buster # 2: Avoid Stimulates Before Bed
Many people know that drinking coffee before bed is a big no no; however, they over look the caffeine that can be found in other sources such as soda, some teas, and chocolate. Often these items are not only loaded with caffeine but contain tons of sugar as well. Avoid these items and instead substitute decaffeinated and low sugar alternatives.

Insomnia Buster # 3: Drink Your Tea
Some herbal teas, such as chamomile, can be a great addition to your night time routine. Chamomile is a natural way to help settle your nerves and to relax so that you can peacefully drift off to sleep. And if tea is not quite your thing, do not worry; they make great supplements that you can take to get the effects of chamomile for people who can't sleep but do not like tea.

Insomnia Buster # 4: Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a great, natural way to help you beat those insomnia blues. Aromatherapy utilizes the scents of natural oils to help you achieve a desired effect. In this case, essential oils such as Lavender can help to relax and prepare you for sleep. And there are so many great ways to enjoy aromatherapy from bath oils in a nice soothing bath, or wonderful sleeping mist sprays that you can spray you sheets with before you go to bed that surround you with the calming scent to soothe you off to sleep. So if you can't sleep, try one of these great aromatherapy products.

Insomnia Buster # 5: Eat a Balanced Diet
It might surprise you, but what you eat might be one reason as to why you can't sleep. A poor diet can lead to heart burn, indigestion, and a ton of other health problems that can be getting a good night's sleep difficult. Easting a healthy, well balanced diet will improve your over all health which can help to eliminate some of the pesky problems that keep you awake at night.

There are five very simple tricks that can help you sleep better. However if you can't sleep for prolonged periods of time or have other symptoms accompanying your restlessness, be sure to speak with your health care provider as these could be signs of a health problem or serious condition. And if you are on medication or are pregnant, be sure to consult your doctor before trying any herbal remedy as some, such as chamomile, may not be recommended.
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Sleep Disorders: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Sleep is a vital part of our physical and mental well being but unfortunately, thousands of people suffer from a variety of sleep disorders.  Some can be very mild and barely noticed by the effected person such as snoring or grinding of the teeth while asleep.  Others, can be much more severe and even dangerous such as the type of sleep disorders that interfere with breathing or that cause a person to fall asleep at random times beyond their control.

Disorder sleep symptoms can range from small, minor symptoms to much more severe and troublesome.  Here is a list of some of the more common sleep disorders and their symptoms.
            Restless Leg Syndrome: As the name suggests this disorder is characterized by involuntary jerky leg movements that can make falling sleep difficult.
            Bruxism: This disorder involves a clenching of the jaw or grinding your teeth while you are asleep and is often not noticed by the person suffering from the disorder.
            Sleepwalking: Perhaps one of the most well known sleep disorders, this disorder sleep symptom involves walking or performing other routine activities such as getting dressed or making breakfast while in a sleep state.  Again, the sleepwalker is unaware of their actions.
            Narcolepsy: One of the more serious and dangerous of the sleep disorders; those who suffer from Narcolepsy may fall asleep while performing regular activities such as talking or driving.  It is characterized by an uncontrollable urge to sleep regardless of how much rest you may have gotten the night before.
            Insomnia: Restlessness or an inability to fall asleep.  This can be mild and occasional or severe and reoccurring.
            Sleep Apnea:  This is one of the other more worrisome of the sleep disorders.  This disorder's sleep symptom can be somewhat frightening since it involves a pause or stop in breathing while asleep.
            These are but just a handful of the some of the more widely known sleep disorders; however, there are dozens of others that you may want to learn about.

Sleep disorders stem from a variety of causes including physical pain such as back pain, pain from a recent injury, neck pain, and headaches.  Stress and anxiety can also be leading causes of sleep disorders.  Hormonal changes due to pregnancy, the onset of menopause, or menstruation can also be factors that interfere with normal sleep.  The side effects of various medications can lead to sleep disorders as can some medical conditions such as sciatica and endocrine imbalances.  Environmental noise and distractions can also be culprits in stealing your sleep.

Sleep disorders have a variety of treatments from using aromatherapy oils blended to aid sleep, for example by using one of the sleep mists that you can spray your linens with before you go to bed to help you relax.  A variety of herbal remedies using chamomile and other herbs can be effective.  When stress and anxiety is causing the disorder's sleep symptom, learning relaxation and stress management techniques can often have a great effect on your ability to get much needed sleep.  Some disorders are more severe and may require medication and treatment by a physician.  So if you feel that you are suffering from a sleep disorder and one of the standard remedies do not seem to help, consult your health care provider.
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Raw Food Diet

Eating raw foods is natural. Our bodies thrive on all that is fresh and vital. A raw food diet (or increasing the amount of raw food that you eat) is bound to bring a feeling of increased wellbeing. 

Raw food diets are based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods, preferably organic, such as a variety of fresh fruits and vegies, nuts, seeds, grains, dried fruit, fresh juices and purified water.

Why Raw Foods?

Basically a vegetarian diet, the raw food diet promotes eating and drinking ‘living’ foods. Living foods and juices contain the maximum amount of fibre found in raw produce, fibre that can be lost in processing. Such foods are easily metabolised and tend to be lower in calories than the average diet.

Heating food above 116°F destroys enzymes in food that aid in digestion and in absorption of food, diminishing its nutritional value.

Benefits of a Raw Food Diet

A diet of at least 75% raw food offers numerous health benefits, such as increased energy, improved skin appearance, better digestion, weight loss and reduced risk of serious illnesses like heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

A raw food diet contains little or no saturated fats, is low in sodium, high in potassium, magnesium, folate and fibre. 
Raw food diets are also excellent detox diets. Different combinations of raw, living foods and juices can be used for colon cleansing, liver cleansing, kidney cleansing and skin cleansing.

The Basics of a Raw Food Diet

Any fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, beans, nuts, legumes, young coconut milk – even seaweed – can be menu items of a raw food diet. Your choice of foods may depend on your reasons for dieting, for example: 

- sprouted brown rice slows glucose absorption and improves the metabolism

- cabbage supports healthy cellular function; radish leaves act as an anti-oxidant,          as does Shitake mushroom 

-carrots are a great source of vitamin A as well as encouraging healthy vision and a healthy cardio-vascular system

You can use a sprouter such as the Easy Green automatic sprouter to sprout seeds, grains, beans – even wheatgrass. Sprouts could be called a ‘super food’ – organic sprouts contain enormous levels of proteins, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, chlorophyll pigments and enzymes, and are the ideal natural supplement.

Sprouts can be used in salads and soups, or can be juiced. Fresh juices are a great ready energy supply and a good quality juicer, such as the Kempo Greenpower juicer, produces living juices that are full of essential nutrients.
A great juicing recipe to complement a raw food diet is carrot juice with potato, fennel and apple. Simply juice 4 medium carrots, 2 apples, 1 small potato and 1 small stalk of fennel.
Fennel has been shown to reduce and control inflammation of arthritis, it evens mood fluctuation and depressive states and has the rare nutrient called manganese, plus zinc and vitamin B complex.
The nutritional value of grains and seeds is impressive. They contain most of the vitamins – particularly A, B, and E. They’re also fantastic natural sources of unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin, and an excellent source of proteins.

You can even use soy milk makers (such as SoyQuick) to make non-dairy drinks from different beans, rice, nuts, seeds and grains to have with breakfast. If you want something a little more substantial than soy milk you can make your tofu (or, of course, visit a good health food shop).

Essentially, the idea of a raw food diet is to eat unprocessed foods for at least 75% of the time. If the idea of raw food isn’t very appetising to you, you can warm the food a little as long as the food isn’t heated above 116°F.

Cautionary Note

As with any major change in diet, it’s wise idea to consult your doctor before beginning a special diet. This is especially true for children, pregnant women, anyone with anemia and anyone with a pre-existing medical condition. 

Even natural foods can conflict with certain medications, so please ask your doctor or pharmacist if you’re taking any medication.

Because a raw food diet is detoxifying some people suffer a mild detox reaction including mild headaches, nausea and cravings. These symptoms may last for several days and you’ll get more enjoyment out of your raw food diet if you cut down on things like meat, sugar and caffeine a week or so before commencing the diet.

Last But Not Least…

A raw food diet is certainly a good way to improve your overall health and wellbeing. Like anything worthwhile it takes time, energy and commitment. Because many of the foods for this particular type of diet are made from scratch there is some preparation time involved. There are many great products on the market that can help you prepare your own living food and save you some time as well. 

Combined with regular exercise, a raw food diet is also an excellent weight loss method. If you’ve been feeling ‘a little off’, or just need a pick-me-up and some extra energy, then a raw food diet is certainly a good way to go.

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Change What You Crave By Changing How You Think: The 5 Step Mental Method

If I were to ask you which foods temp you, most likely they wouldn’t be ones that are very healthy. I bet they would be ice cream, potato chips, pizza, or something along those lines. In fact, in your mind right now as you’re reading, you are probably thinking about a food that isn’t healthy. Well, aren’t you? Stop for a moment and think about it……………….. The point I’m going to make in this article is that you can change what you crave by changing how you think.

Every new client that comes to my office for weight-loss has a “craving problem.” But I don’t see it as a problem at all. I see it as a solution. Cravings are over-rated. They are hodge-podge and we don’t have to be controlled by them. We don’t have to feel temped by ice cream, cookies or 20-ounce prime ribs. Instead, we can be tempted by watermelon, pineapple, oranges or apples; foods like that. Think that sounds crazy? Well it isn’t and you’ll see why.

When I first sit down and talk with a client about their eating habits, I gather everything I need to know about exactly what they eat and how they eat. The culprit to their weight problem always boils down to snacking, picking, eating foods that are unhealthy or just plain over-eating. Then I’ll ask them what fruits and vegetables they like. I’m yet to come across someone who hates fruit or hates every vegetable under the sun. Finally I’ll ask them how often they eat fruits or vegetables and it’s always a lot less often than the unhealthy stuff.

After I’ve gathered my arsenal of information, we do our thing. I’ll have my clients lay back in my recliner and close their eyes. I’ll direct their mind to a peaceful place, and within minutes they’ll be relaxed like never before. Then I start talking about their favorite fruits and vegetables. I’ll ask them to imagine taking a bite of their favorite juicy, ripe fruit and to feel the juices tickling their taste buds. I’ll say to their mind, “from now on anytime you have a craving for food, you will think of a juicy, ripe piece of fruit. And bingo!!! Next thing you know these are exactly the kinds of foods they start desiring. Why? Because anytime you close your eyes and bring yourself to a calm, relaxed place, your subconscious mind emerges, and it is this part of the mind that controls what you crave. Change your thoughts and you’ll change what you crave. Simple.

Let’s look at this from another perspective. Let’s say pineapple is your favorite fruit. Now, if you were sitting with me right now and I gave you a juicy chunk of it, you would enjoy it thoroughly. And you’d want more, right? Of course. Now, let’s say I reached into my refrigerator, whipped-out a piece of chocolate cake and said, “choose one.” Most likely you would opt for the pineapple because you just had a teaser-piece, which would make your mind want more. The fact of the matter is this: you enjoy your favorite fruits just as much as you enjoy your favorite junk foods, you just believe otherwise.

Again, cravings are over-rated. The mere mention of that devilish word always seems to conjures-up images of high calorie, high fat foods only because these are the foods you are most exposed to in our media driven world. Your subconscious gets accustomed to this and just doesn’t know any better. Change your minds images and you’ll change your cravings. Here’s a quick 5 minute mental exercise you can begin doing now to help you start changing the way you crave food.

Step 1: Find a comfortable, quiet place where there are no distractions. Begin breathing deeply until you are quite relaxed. Next, count backwards from 10-1, slowly. With each count, imagine that your mind is drifting deeper and deeper.

Step 2: After you have finished counting, imagine that you are relaxing by yourself in your favorite place. A secluded beach or a log in the woods will do the trick. Imagine yourself feeling so very relaxed and peaceful.

Step 3: Next, imagine a basket full of your favorite fresh picked fruit sitting right next to you. See it clearly in your mind, the color, the feel, everything about that fruit. Imagine taking a bite of that juicy fruit and enjoying it like never before.

Step 4: Repeat the following suggestion to yourself 10 times: “From now on, anytime I think of eating, I immediately feel a craving for fruit.”

Step 5: Count from 1 to 5, slowly, and when you reach 5 open your eyes.
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